It’s that time of year! The time when we release our unofficial CAS Chart. MCBA utilizes the CAS (Championship Average Scores) to determine state finalists: the highest 12 average scoring bands per flight will advance. What makes ours unofficial? Simple: We are not MCBA. Also, MCBA will not utilize scores from the first two weeks of the season, unless requested by a band. We use scores from the whole season, and present every score a band receives. It’s mostly a neat way to compare each band in each flight, to see how they’ve been performing over the season, and who has or hasn’t competed when. It’s all just in good fun. Please remember our tables are not official!
Blue “AVG” scores are scores that are actually averaging two scores. Non-Blue “AVG” are using one score. Yellow scores are ones we are awaiting – we know the band has competed, but do not have the score yet!
Last Updated: 10/30 @ 8:50 AM