The 2013 Competition Season

2013 Competitions officially start September 21. Last Saturday, Sept. 8, and tomorrow, Sept. 14, are/were non-competitive clinic shows for both MCBA and SMB, respectively. We are looking forward to an exciting season and cannot wait for competitions.

There has been some concern expressed as to the rapidness of updating information on the site this year. I want to let everybody know that, yes, I have fallen behind. I do have an explanation: Since graduating with my Master’s Degree (it was my Master’s program that brought Michigan Marching into existence), I had not be successful in securing full-time employment. This summer I was offered and accepted a full-time Instructor position at Glen Oaks Community College (Centreville, MI). Presently, I have a one-way commute time of 1.5 hours (round trip, 3 hours, M-F), and this is a brand new program. Needless to say, my free time is presently at a minimum.

Updating Michigan Marching, which is easily a full-time job in the Fall, has had to suffer a little. That being said, I am going to try to be way more proactive about getting the site updated now that competitions are ready to begin. However, I need your help. In the past, I could easily devote the time that the site needed, when I was only working 3 or 4 days a week. I simply cannot right now.

Send in your band’s schedules and show information if you have it. If you have received any information about competitions (especially line-ups), please send those in. If you attend a contest, please stay for awards and send in the results. Any little thing you can send in helps me beyond belief, and quite honestly, is the only way this site will be able to survive.


That being said, here are some updates regarding Michigan Marching.

First, the way we list bands is going to change. If a School’s Name is not reflective of the City the School is in, the City Name will now precede the School Name (examples: Wayne Memorial, Stevensville Lakeshore). Schools who City and Name are the same, will remain the Same (examples: Jenison, Flat Rock). Link addresses (URLs) will not change.

Secondly, a Mobile Site for the website is in the process of being created. It has taken me longer than it should, but I want to make sure that is it nearly flaw-less (ideally, completely flaw-less) before it is implemented. The goal was to have it ready to go before the competitive season, but as I mentioned above, time has been at a minimum. This is just a head’s up to keep on the look-out. As with the name change, URLs will not be changing.

 And Lastly, if you use Facebook or Twitter, please Like Us or Follow Us. As we attend at least one competition a weekend, we will be using Facebook and Twitter to keep you updated in-the-moment. Expect live-tweeting during events, with more general updates to Facebook. Note: All of our Facebook posts will appear on Twitter. If you do follow us on Facebook, Make sure our notifications are showing so you do not miss anything.


All of that being said, here is to a fun and exciting 2013 Marching Season. I want to wish the best of luck to all of the bands and the students.


Musically yours,

This entry was posted in News.