Saturday, October 4

We’re excited gearing up for the third competitive weekend. In Michigan, there are five competitions; Five bands will also be representing Michigan at the BOA Toledo regional.


MCBA: Lamphere

Lamphere’s competition begins this year at 4:00 PM. Here, nineteen bands in total will perform.

Flight IV (2) begins at 4:00 PM.
Flight I (5) begins at 4:30 PM.
Flight IV and I Awards will be at 6:00 PM.

Flight II (4) will begin at 6:45 PM.
Flight III (6) starts at 8:00 PM.
Lamphere performs in Exhibition at 9:30 PM.
The Eastern Michigan University Pride of the Peninsula will also perform in exhibition, at 9:45 PM.
Flight II and III Awards will be held at 10:00 PM.

Lamphere is located at 610 West 13 Mile Rd., Lamphere, MI 48071.


Scholastic: Alma College

The annual Alma College Invitational opens at 1:00 PM with the Kiltie Marching Band Brass performing the National Anthem.

Class C (3) starts at 1:15 PM.
Class B (2) begins at 2:15 PM.
The award-winning Alma College Pipe Band will perform at 2:45 PM.
Class C and B Awards will occur at 3:00 PM.

Class A (4) begins at 3:30 PM.
The Kiltie Marching Band performs in Exhibition at 4:30 PM.
Class A awards will be at 4:55 PM.

Admission to this event is $5 for Adults; Children and Students are free. We’ve got a concessions menu and a parking map on the event page. As a reminder: the spectator parking lot is a little ways away from the stadium. Please plan extra time to arrive and commute to the stadium.

This event is held at Bahlke Stadium on Alma College’s campus. The address is 614 W. Superior St., Alma, MI 48801.


Scholastic: Red Flannel Festival

As always, Cedar Springs’ Red Flannel Marching contest coincides with the city’s Red Flannel celebration. If you love a parade, consider heading downtown after the marching competition; the Red Flannel Grand Parade begins at 3:00 PM.

The Marching competition will open at 8:00 AM.

Class D (3) begins at 8:15 AM.
Class C (4) will begin at 9:00 AM.
Class B (3) starts at 10:15 AM.
Beginning at 11:15 AM, there will be 4 bands performing for MSBOA ratings.
Class A (2) begins at 12:45 PM.
The Cedar Springs High School band will perform in exhibition at 1:15 PM.
At 1:30, the High School and Middle School will perform an encore together.
Awards for all classes will be at 1:45 PM.

Cedar Springs’ stadium is located at 204 E Muskegon St NE in Cedar Springs, MI 49319.


Scholastic: Hastings

Twenty-two bands will be performing at Hastings’ competition this Saturday. We know that admission will be $5 for Adults, $4 for Students and Seniors, and Children under 5 are free.

Class D (5) begins at 1:00 PM.
Class B (4) will start at 2:15 PM.
Awards for D and B will occur at 3:15 PM.

Class C (7) will begin at 4:15 PM.
Class C Awards happens at 6:00 PM.

Class A (4) will start at 7:45 PM.
Class AA (1) will occur at 8:45 PM.
Hastings performs in exhibition at 9:00 PM.
Class A and AA Awards will be at 9:15 PM.

Hastings is located at 520 W. South St., Hastings, MI 49058.


Scholastic: Gull Lake

Gull Lake’s marching competition begins this Saturday at 10:00 AM. This event occurs at the Gull Lake Middle School.

Class D (4) begins at 10:00 AM.
Class A (3) starts at 11:15 AM.
Gull Lake will perform in exhibition at 12:00 PM.
Awards will be at 12:30 PM.

The Middle School is located at 9550 East M-89) in Richland, MI 49083.


BOA: Toledo

Heading out of state, Southgate Anderson, Reeths-Puffer, Lake Orion, Jenison, and Plymouth-Canton are representing Michigan at the BOA Toledo Regional on Saturday. Ticket costs for this event are $17 for Prelims or Finals. A ticket for both Prelims and Finals costs $26. All seating is General Admission.

Preliminary competition begins at 10:30 AM. A full prelims schedule is available at our event page.

Southgate Anderson performs at 1:00 PM.
Reeths-Puffer performs at 1:15 PM.
Lake Orion will perform at 2:30 PM.
Jenison takes the field at 3:00 PM.
Plymouth-Canton performs at 3:30 PM.

Preliminary Awards will be at 4:15 PM. We shall know after this who advances to Finals. We’ll update our site once we have this information.

Finals competition will begin at 7:45 PM.

This event is held at the University of Toledo Glass Bowl, located at 3044 N. Glass Bowl Dr. in Toledo, OH 43606.

Parking is available in lots south of the Glass Bowl Stadium, or in the East Ramp Parking Garage (corner of Douglas Road and West Bancroft Street). Some parking areas are a distance from the stadium. Please allot extra time to find parking and walk to the stadium.


We want to wish the best of luck to all bands this weekend.

And as always, if you are attending a competition, please take a few moments to send us scores. We simply cannot be everywhere, and your assistance helps us!  If you have a few extra minutes past that, please send us Band Shows and Repertoires and help us build the most accurate history possible! 

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