October's Midpoint: October 15, 2016

In a five-weekend October, this Saturday, October 15, marks the midpoint of the month’s competitions. With 6 contest sites in Michigan, this Saturday sees the highest number of competitions on one day for the 2016 season. This weekend, 95 bands will take to the field!


DeWitt’s Scholastic competition opens at 1:55 PM with the DeWitt High School Band performing the National Anthem. Competition begins at 2:00 PM, with competition order as follows: DD, D, C, B, A, and AA. Awards for all classes will be at 7:00 PM. Click here for more information.


Grandville’s annual Scholastic competition moves into an afternoon-evening time block this year. The event begins at 3:00 PM, with competition starting at 3:15. Class D and C will compete, with Awards for D and C being held at 5:45 PM. Competition resumes with Class B at 7:00 PM. Class A and AA follow. Awards for Classes B, A, and AA will be at 9:45 PM. Tickets cost $8 for Adults, and $6 for Students/Seniors. A Family Ticket option is available.

Please note: Spectators are requested to use the Wilson Avenue entrance for this event. While the HS is located on Canal Street, there is an entrance next to Costco. See here for more information.


Pontiac’s Scholastic competition returns for its second year. Competition begins at 1:00 PM. Bands representing Classes C, B, and A will perform. Awards for all classes will be at 3:45 PM. Visit here for more information.

Stevensville Lakeshore

The annual Lakeshore Marching Band Invitational in Stevensville starts at 3:00 PM this Saturday. Joining us for their first Michigan competition will be the LaVille High School Marching Band, from Lakeville, Indiana (Class D). Class D and B will compete, and awards for these classes will be at 6:00 PM. Competition resumes with Class C at 6:45 PM, followed by Class A. Awards for C and A will be at 9:15 PM.

Tickets are $7 for Adults, $5 for Students/Seniors. Family tickets are available. Click here for more information.

Please note: If you arrive to Lakeshore, and find the parking to be a little full, head just a few yards South down Cleveland – a recently built softball stadium has plenty of additional parking, and is less than a five-minute walk to the football stadium.


Belding hosts their annual MCBA competition this Saturday. Admission is $8 for Adults, $6 for Students/Seniors. Competition begins at 4:00 PM; opening ceremonies are scheduled for 3:45. Flight Order is: II, I, IV. Awards for all Flights will be at 7:30 PM. See here for more information.

Please note: Most of the parking at Belding is across the street from the stadium or in the neighborhood surrounding the high school. Please plan to arrive early, as you may have to walk some distance. Family drop-off/pick-up is available for those who may not be able to walk the distance.

Troy Athens

The Athens High School Marching Band Invitational in Troy begins at 3:45 PM this Saturday. Competition begins at 4:00 PM. Flight Order is: IV, III, II, I. Awards for Flights IV, III, and II will be at 6:00 PM. Flight I competition commences at 7:15 PM. Awards for Flight I will be at 9:30 PM. We anticipate admission costs to be $8 for Adults, $6 for Students/Seniors. Go here for more information.

We want to wish all bands the best of luck this weekend!

As always, it is impossible for us to be at every competition. Please take a few minutes after the show to send us scores, and if you’re feeling generous – send us Band Program information. You do not have to be affiliated with a band to send information in! If you bought a program, we’re interested in Band Name, Directors, Show Title, and Musical Selections.

Like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter, for updates this Saturday. We’re nearly at 700 Likes on Facebook – could we reach it this weekend?

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