The second week of the season is when we have the first scored contests. Both Rockford and Trenton are hosting Scholastic competitions this Saturday, and Reeths-Puffer is hosting ‘MCBA Field Day West’ – a judged exhibition event.
18 bands are scheduled to perform at Trenton this Saturday. The event starts 2:00 PM with a performance of the National Anthem by the Boyd Arthurs Middle School band. There will be two award ceremonies – the first for Class A at 4:30PM, and the second for Classes B and C at 7:00 PM.
For more information on Trenton’s contest, including directions, please click here.
14 bands are slated to perform this Saturday at Ted Carlson Stadium on Rockford’s campus. The contest begins at 5:00 PM with a performance of the National Anthem by Rockford High School seniors. Competition order is Class C, B, and then A, with an Awards ceremony for all classes occurring at 8:55 PM.
Admission prices for Rockford include $7 for Adults, and $5 for Students and Seniors. A $22 Family ticket (maximum 2 adults) is available. Program prices cost $2 each, and concessions are available.
To learn more about Rockford’s contest, including directions, please click here.
MCBA Field Day West
This Field Day is hosted by Reeths-Puffer High School in Muskegon, and will feature numerous judges on-hand to assess each participating program. Nine (9) programs will be in attendance, and this event begins at 4:00 PM. While we have not received official confirmation of performance times, we have presented our best-guess estimate of the time schedule. We anticipate an admission fee; likely $8 for adults.
For more about this clinic, including directions, please click here.
To every band who is performing this weekend, we want to wish you the best of luck.
Please remember that, while this is a competitive activity, each and every band deserves praise and respect. As a courtesy to performers and spectators, please refrain from entering stands or talking during performances.
As always, it is impossible for us to be at every contest – if you will be in attendance at any event, please let us know how the day went. Our site is built on user submissions and hours of internet searches. If you bought a program, feel free to send us any band information. Did you write down scores? You can send those in, too!
Like us on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter for event updates this Saturday.
Did you know we’re selling shirts? We use a third-party website, TeePublic, to handle the processing and production of shirts. If you’ve ever thought “You know, I’d love to wear a Michigan Marching Hoodie,” then I have good news: Our shirts are on sale until September 16, 2016. All proceeds benefit the website guaranteed! Browse our shirts here.